I was a little skeptical of this at first because it seems so easy. But I decided to try it since there are only two ingredients, and I already had both of them! Whowouldathunkit?
1 Tbs peroxide 2 Tbs baking soda
Put in a bowl - swirl together - and soak your nails for a few minutes. Some I've read 1 minute, some 5. My big brain tells me though that the longer you do it, the more results you will see! I've also read other "recipes" that add different levels of ingredients and maybe add some water, some add lemon. But for this purpose, this worked for me! I could tell a difference instantly, and even more so the next morning (I did it at night before bed). The baking soda can be rubbed in to exfoliate your nails as well. You can finish off with a clear coat of polish to fancy them up even more! If you are like me with young kids this is one for after they go to bed...1) because you have to sit still for longer than 5 seconds 2) because they will likely try to get in it and you probably don't want that!
You can see from the picture above - the left is my Pinterest inspiration - and the right is my nails. I do have a clear coat of polish on but I am pretty darn impressed with hot white they turned out! I have used this once a week every since I found this!! No more paying for a manicure for this gal!
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