

10 Signs you are a Pinterest Addict

Coming Next...the 12 Step Program

For those of you who are all TOO familiar with Pinterest, Here are 10 Signs That You Are a Pinterest Addict:

1. Your grocery list is created from recipes you have pinned on Pinterest.

Confession. I can't tell you how many miscellaneous grocery items my pantry now stores of recipes I intended to make but have yet to.

2. You have told at least 5 people about your latest Pinterest project and then told them YOU HAVE TO GET ON THIS THING.

I know that my best friends, mother, in-laws are all secretly rolling their eyes when I start talking about Pinterest!

3. Your husband now asks after you make something fabulous for dinner or dessert - did you find this on Pinterest?

He actually said last night, "That place has some pretty good ideas huh" - Best compliment EVER from my husband!

4. You wrestle 4 kids into Hobby Lobby (or a craft store) just to get that much needed yarn for this wreath you pinned for fall.

Ok I only have two but yes...yesterday actually!

5. Pinterest makes you secretly feel like Martha Stewart, minus the bad hair cut.

In my head...anything is possible!

6. You have tried to pull off a Pinterest recipe as your own. Oh come on, you know you have.

Actually...see #2!

7. A day hasn't gone by in the last week without mentioning the word Pinterest.

Guilty as charged *pinterest*.

8. Pinterest has cost you more money than you care to admit.

If only I could make it that far - actually buying all the products I need for my projects...I would be broke!

9. Your non-Pinterest friends look at you like you are a freak when you talk about your latest "food in a jar" find.

See #2 (haha sooo true!)

10. You have spent more than 3 hours in 1 sitting pinning because you JUST CAN NOT STOP.

3 hours...yeah that's all, just 3...sure!

11. You REPIN this post

List is Courtesy of Digital Mom Blog ( - Comments are mine!

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